Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Passion

My Boy-Friend is a strong positive force in my life, he gives me the courage to face everyday
and when i wake up every morning i feel i can do anything.
It is always easy to take someone for granted but my prayer is that I never fall in the trap of neglecting him. He is a blessing to me and
My life is better and brighter since he stepped into my life. We have decide to keep our relationship pure until the day we say "i do" and this is the best decision we ever made. i am happy and everyday i count ma blessings.

My Music has always been a place of escape for me, when i sing or play the keyboard i feel at peace with the world around me. I try to sing as best as i know how, being able to write and record my own songs is more then a blessing. When i sing i try to communicate to the listeners what i feel at that particular time but most of all the message God has placed in my heart for them. I feel privileged. Music is the one thing this world can't take away from me. i sing when am happy and when i feel low and stressed. When i stand on the stage at our church and begin to sing i don't see it as a duty or even that i am better than the audience but another opportunity to serve my God.

My Family mean so much to me. their love for me is unconditional. They have supported me over the years. When i attempt something, anything they support me and make me feel unstoppable. We were all shaken on June 30Th 2002. When we lost our oldest brother. He was a great man and such an image of purity. He was my age when he died and that was too early. We had plans and dreams and sometimes it feels like they all went to the grave with him. now when i think of him i try had to celebrate his memory. His death separated all of us and now we are praying everyday for. God to bring us back together again. Ma Brother are the best of Friend and knowing what they have had to overcome......... i bless God everyday for them



Amanda L. Best said...

AW! You and your boyfriend are so cute together! And we have a couple common intrests. I like your blog page, very cute!

Bethany said...

Yeh, I love your boyfriend post..that is so sweet! Now I feel bad for not including mine in mine! Haha. I agree with the staying pure till marriage too! That's awesome and will def. keep you from many problems that most relationships will face!

Anonymous said...

I do agree hole heart with the family thing. i to have lost a person close to me and i to know how hard it is.