Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I Admire

My Sister is an image of Strength and just positive attitude. She has been through alot but then still keep her head high and keeps me smiling. She is so smart sometime i feel it aint fair to give one person all that knowldge. Yet she is so humble about it.

My Mom What can i say She is a herp to me. She hold our family together. Storms have blown us over so many time and yet she stillhas never taken the easy way out. Always there praying and give all her children hope for a better future. She always tell me i am stronger then i know. When i sing she cheers me on. Gotta love mama!

After Reading Nelson Manadela's biography i have great respect for him. His courage and persevierance gave the
people of South Africa freedom. He has been Blessed with so much wisdom.


Stevie Steve said...

Yo sister is bad .. you should hook me but i like yo page .. cute pics of you also... ghost...........

O-kash said...

Stay away from my sis aaaaaa but i will let you try and maybe she might say yes and leave her boyfriend of you style!